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Welcome to Employee and Company Newsletter Headquarters for the World

February 15, 2019

Welcome to Employee and Company Newsletter Headquarters for the World

Employee newsletters or company newsletters -- they're good stuff. Every employee newsletter that is editable and customerizablecompany wants one, but nearly every one that tries to produce their own gets burned.

Producing in-house newsletters are costly, deadline intensive, stressful to think about, hard on employees who must produce them as a collateral duty, and full of struggles with finding content, plagiarism, getting lost in research, embarrassment about missed deadlines, and disappointment. is solving these problems from New York to Alaska, from Australia to the Caribbean -- we produce newsletter solutions for organizations that endear themselves to employees and management. It shows in our renewal rates which are 50% higher than the national average for subscription newsletters. Some of our subscribers have been with us for over 25 years!

Isn't it nice to have an employee newsletter or a company newsletter to help educate, communicate, build workforce cohesion, and inform all employees of organizational happenings?

Yes, it is, but there is something more important for employers to understand and and consider, and that is the subject of this first blog post.

You, the organizational subscriber are the customer of an employee newsletter service, not your employees. The customer by definition is the one paying for the product. The consumer is the workforce of course, but as your most valuable asset, we author content to help them for their sake and yours, and we guide them to increasing productivity for the same reasons.

Our philosophy here is that what is good for the employer is good for employees, and vice versa. That's pure systems theory. Hence we produce pro-employee and pro-organization content and management tools to preserve, protect, and enhance well-being of the workforce. This includes article content the reaches out to help families, too because we realize that newsletters always find their way home.

Newsletters for the workforce are risk reduction tools for behavioral exposures associated with employees and supervisors, their personal problems, mistakes, mishaps, illnesses, and foibles. 

The business case for employee newsletters and company newsletters is the first article of this blog on our re-conditioned Web site. Our newsletters are not new either. One has published monthly for 27 years, and another monthly for 18 years. Still another has pubished for 12 years. Respectively for FrontLine Supervisor, FrontLine Employee, and Work Life Excel®

We've researched newsletters for workplace wellness in Spanish. We can find none in the Western hemisphere--in North America or South America--that are written with the same purposes in mind, and that are also editable, reproducible, customizable, and web usable. We believe we are first, ever to introduce this product to the Hispanic world.

Also in Employee Newsletter News

Eight Ideas and Techniques for Generating Employee Newsletter Articles
Eight Ideas and Techniques for Generating Employee Newsletter Articles

February 19, 2019

Ideas for employee newsletter articles are not easy to generate by staring at a blank screen. Fix this problem with systems to prevent your newsletter from flopping. The key is reducing stress.

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